Is there some genius solution to how we get loyalty right?

Maybe it’s a formula that includes customer satisfaction. Or our brand of customer service. Maybe the answer lies in how we communicate with our customers or the way we listen to them.

Whatever it is, it can’t be something we think about once and then forget about until the next time. Customer feedback has to become an art form that we practice frequently if we want loyalty across our products and services.

You know the feeling: you’re working on a project and you’re feeling pretty good about it. You’ve put in the time and effort to get it done, and you think it looks great.

Then someone comes along and points out a tiny error or typo, and all of a sudden, your whole perspective shifts. Suddenly, you can see all of the other things that need fixing—the things that you thought were fine but actually aren’t at all.

This is how customer feedback can help us be more effective in our work. It’s not just about pointing out flaws—it’s about showing us new ways to think about things and better ways to do them. It helps us understand what our customers want so that we can deliver on their expectations every time.