When it comes to company-wide buy-in and adoption, there’s one thing that matters above all else: understanding. You can roll out thousands of new features and software updates, but if your team doesn’t understand what they’re supposed to be doing…
Satisfaction & Loyalty
Is there some genius solution to how we get loyalty right? Maybe it’s a formula that includes customer satisfaction. Or our brand of customer service. Maybe the answer lies in how we communicate with our customers or the way we…
Closing Superpowers
The only thing you need to know is this: Recall. Confirm. Empathize. Solve. That’s all you need to do when addressing the needs of your customers.
Talk about the UX experience It’s a balancing act. As we lean on UX/UI to help us tell better stories to online shoppers, we are helping users engage with our products. UX/UI designers are the modern-day storytellers, helping online shoppers…
It feels like you’re on the edge of something new and exciting. It feels like no one else understands, so you have to keep going, even when it seems impossible. That’s tenacity: the fire instinct to do what feels right…
Just Look Over Your Shoulders, Honey
The difference between allies and confidants is that allies are for something, and confidants are for someone. You want to be surrounded by allies. These are the people who will speak up for you in rooms where you’re not present,…
Burn Out
When I first started my journey of raising capital for a startup that I was passionate about, I knew nothing about the startup space, venture capital, pitching, or leadership. Meanwhile, in the heat of my learning my great-grandmother, my best…
Cool, Calm, and Collect
The world is full of setbacks, and stoicism is the art of resilience in the face of them. Stoicism is not about being a cold, unfeeling person who never gets upset or hurt. Stoicism is about finding strength in the…
The more steps users need to take to gain access to the information they are looking for, the higher the chance that they will abandon the process. Improving the user experience doesn’t just improve conversion, but awareness and establishes brand…
In Dr. Martin Luther Kings, The Drum Major Instinct Sermon he speaks about serving. He warns his congregation against the desire for importance, which can lead to snobbish exclusivism. I believe that inside of us all is a desire to…