We all want to belong to the things and spaces we take up and believe in.

I’m sure you’ve felt it before, that feeling of being a part of something—a team, a club, a community. The feeling that you belong, that you are welcome and wanted there.

That’s what customer feedback gives us: belonging.

You know how amazing that feels? A perfect example of delivering on feedback is what we see happening with Cassey Ho, CEO of POPFLEX (follow her, you wont regret it IG: @blogilates).

It’s like going to the break room to sing happy birthday to a coworker and hoping they’ll take the first slice of cake. Nobody really wants to be first. And while early adopters are a great source of feedback, talking about the feedback you get from customers in your community shows customers that you’re listening.

Now imagine if everyone in your community engaged with products or services they used from you. Imagine if people were talking about your products with such passion that other people would join the conversation just because they can relate to what’s being said.

That’s what customer feedback does for your business when you share it at large. It creates an environment where customers feel comfortable sharing their experiences with others because they know it won’t be taken personally (or professionally), but rather as an opportunity to make changes, adjustments, or updates that matter.